Here's a reblog from
Mikkai as I have been waiting so much on more reports from Mr and Mrs Bandazhevsky in the English media.
Just as 95yo Dr Shuntaro Hida in Hiroshima, they are extremely important witnesses as professional medical doctors regarding Chernobyl true influence.
I hope to come back to edit this post more, and sort out with comparison with Fukushima situations.
Galina S. Bandazhevskaya May 12th 2012
Just as 95yo Dr Shuntaro Hida in Hiroshima, they are extremely important witnesses as professional medical doctors regarding Chernobyl true influence.
I hope to come back to edit this post more, and sort out with comparison with Fukushima situations.
Galina S. Bandazhevskaya May 12th 2012
June 3, 2012 by Mikkai
My footage from Correction of History: Forum on Radioprotection May 12 – 13 Geneva by independent
Galina Bandazhevskaya (Belarus) paediatrician, cardiologist. Abstracts here: page 13:
The accident in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power station caused many problems for the three countries most affected – Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.23% of the territory of Belarus, where 250,000 children live today, was contaminated. The largest part of this radiation dose was due to two radionuclides, Iodine 131, which is shortlived, and Caesium 137, which is longlived.
The most important aspect of the radiological situation in this region is that70% of the radiation dose to the population is caused by internal radiation through the consumption of contaminated food, such as milk, potatoes, mushrooms, berries, game, etc. 26 Years have gone by since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, but the most important question, the health of the people living in the contaminated territories, remains a problem, unresolved and largely unknown. Since 2000, the number of children under 18 in Belarus as a whole has decreased by 27.4%; at the beginning of 2011, they numbered 1,737,400. There was an increase in the birth rate from 2003, but the mortality rate in the Republic increased from 13.8% in 2008 to 14.4% in 2010
In the first few years after the accident, paediatricians noticed, during routine preventive examinations, an increase in the number of illnesses and a general deterioration in children’s health. Today, illness in children is increasing still more. In 2010, we noticed a strong incidence of primary diseases of the endocrine system, of birth defects, of diseases of the blood circulation system and of tumours in children from the Gomel and Moguilev regions (the most contaminated by radionuclides).
In 1993, thyroid cancer was the only disease officially recognised by the World Health Organisation as a consequence of radiation. As for the other groups of illnesses, for a quarter of a century, Belarus has continued to deny any correlation between the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, and the appearance of birth defects, cancers (other than thyroid) and heart disease. The growing numbers of victims among children in the population is explained as the result of increased competence in routine medical examinations. As far as the cause of illness is concerned, no attention is paid to the radionuclides, in particular Caesium 137, to which our children have been subjected for more than 26 years. In their preventive care programmes, the health authorities see no need to include the measurement of radionuclides in the bodies of children affected by the Chernobyl accident.
The clinics and hospitals in urban areas do not have any human radiation spectrometers (HRS), which would allow them to determine levels of Caesium 137 in a child’s body. According to medical statistics from the paediatric polyclinic in Minsk, there has been a significant increase more than double between 2004 and 2011, of cases of children with cardiovascular disease. The main problems are congenital malformations and disorders of heart rhythm.
The clinics and hospitals in urban areas do not have any human radiation spectrometers (HRS), which would allow them to determine levels of Caesium 137 in a child’s body. According to medical statistics from the paediatric polyclinic in Minsk, there has been a significant increase more than double between 2004 and 2011, of cases of children with cardiovascular disease. The main problems are congenital malformations and disorders of heart rhythm.
There is a higher frequency of congenital cardiac malformation. Estimates for its occurrence vary between different authors, but on average, it represents between 0.8 and 1.2% of all new born babies. Congenital cardiac malformation constitutes 30% of all birth defects observed. Every year, out of 90,000 children born in Belarus, 800 will have a congenital heart problem. Among the problems of heart rhythm, the most frequently observed are: migration of the rhythm stimulator, sinus bradycardia, short PQ interval phenomenon, auricular rhythm and extrasystoles We know that many adult illnesses have their origin in childhood and adolescence. It is therefore very important to take all possible preventative measures, to care for and rehabilitate children who have radioactive elements in their body. One of the most important jobs of a government is to establish good health in its children and adolescents. This cohort of the population will determine the economic potential of the country and is a good indicator of the ability of the population to reproduce.
MORE: ユーリー・バンダジェフスキー Cesium 137 and Children – May 12th 2012
Children Radiation Maps 2011:
Children Cancer Outlook Belarus / Japan:
WHO Scandal:
Relationship between Caesium (137Cs) load, cardiovascular symptoms, and source of food in “Chernobyl” children – preliminary observations after intake of oral apple pectin:
Jan Hemmer
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