Friday, 15 February 2013

DDW memo (Lecture 1 (Part1/3) of 1st International Deuterium Symposium)

Here's a quick reblog post of 2010 International Deuterium Symposium in Hungary.  (... to sort out later.)

Lecture 1 (Part2/3) of 1st International Deuterium Symposium

Quote from YouTube:
Dr. Gábor Somlyai speaks about "Naturally occurring Deuterium is essential for the normal growth rate of cells"

About the lecture:
1) G. Somlyai, 2) G. Jancsó, 2) Gy. Jákli, 3) M. Molnár, 4) G. Laskay, 5) L.Z. Fehér, 6) L.G. Puskás 
1) HYD LLC. for Cancer Research and Drug Development, Budapest, Hungary, 
2) KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 
3) Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest, Hungary, 
4) University of Szeged, Department of Plant Biology, Szeged, Hungary, 
5) Avidin Ltd, Szeged, Hungary, 
6) Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Functional Genomics, Szeged, Hungary.

The role of naturally occurring D in living organisms has been examined by using deuterium-depleted water (DDW) (30-100 ppm) instead of water containing the natural abundance of D (150 ppm). DDW significantly decreased the growth rate of L929 fibroblast, HT-29 colon, A4, MDA and MCF-7 breast, PC-3 prostate, M19 melanoma cell lines. 

The inhibitory effect was more significant when the D-concentration of the culture medium was gradually decreased in 3-5 steps. 

To investigate the anticancer effect of DDW in vivo, human breast adenocarcinomas; MDA and MCF-7 were transplanted into CBA/Ca mice. The drinking water of the animals in the treated group (17) was replaced with DDW (30 ppm) one day after transplantation. 

Eighty days after the transplantation all mice in the control group perished (10) except one, meanwhile 70% of the animals (12) were still alive in the treated group. In an other experiment, PC-3 tumorous prostatic cells were transplanted into CBA/Ca mice. 

The DDW treatment started on the 18th day. Twelve days later the tumors were removed from mice and histologically examined. Cells being in mitosis and apoptosis were counted. It was found that in the control group, that received water with normal (150 ppm) D-content, 3.6% of the cells were in mitosis and only 1% in apoptosis. 

The ratio was almost the opposite in the treated group, where only 1.5% of the cells were in mitosis, while 3% of the cells were in apoptosis. In order to reveal the molecular background of the inhibitory effect of DDW COX-2 gene expression was investigated in healthy myometrial and HT-29 colon tumorous cell line in medium with 20-80-150-200-500-1000 ppm D. 

It was found that deuterium depletion inhibited COX-2 expression and the inhibition correlated with the D-concentration. At the same time there was a strong correlation between the COX-2 expression and the intracellular prostaglandin concentration. When the prostaglandin was added back to the culture medium it diminished the inhibitory effect of DDW. 

The application of DDW also proved to influence the expression of genes encoding different kinases using nanocapillary quantitative real-time PCR analysis technique and to modify the activity of amilorid- sensitive Na+/H+ antiport system.

We suggest that cells are able to regulate the D/H ratio and its changes can trigger certain molecular processes. 

One possibility to modify the D/H ratio is the activation of the H+-transport system which prefers to eliminate H+ resulting in a higher D/H ratio within the cell. We suggest that the changing D/H ratio can simultaneously regulate the expression of certain genes and the activity of enzymes having key role in cell cycle regulation and in other molecular mechanisms. 

We suppose that the naturally occurring D is the key element of a hitherto unknown sub-molecular regulatory system (SMRS).

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