Reblogging the contents from Mikkai again. Yes, we have been painfully realizing the need of "Correction of History" when it comes to nuclear and radiation - and many more. Almost everything we innocently believed turned out to be nothing much more than some neighboring country's brainwashing.
Anyway, I need to copy this set of information as my log as well and read over details carefully.
Correction of History: Forum on Radioprotection May 12 – 13 Geneva
Anyway, I need to copy this set of information as my log as well and read over details carefully.
Correction of History: Forum on Radioprotection May 12 – 13 Geneva
May 3, 2012 by Mikkai
IndependentWHO is organising a « Scientific and Citizen Forum on Radioprotection : from Chernobyl to Fukushima » on May 12th 2012 in Geneva.
- A Press Conference, on Friday 11th May, between 10 and 12 o’clock, at the Club suisse de la presse ;
- The Forum, Saturday 12th May, at the Ecumenical Centre, 150 route de Ferney.
- A round table discussion between speakers and the public, Sunday morning, 13 th May, at La Maison des associations.
- Aya Marumori and Waturu Iwata. (Japan) , Independent Laboratory (CRMS) of Fukushima:
- Mayor of Geneva (can be seen here: minute 3:20
- Paul Roullaud independentWHO
- Roland Desbordes, President CRIIRAD
- Paul Lannoye. (Belgium) Scientist, Member of the European Parliament
- Alexei Yablokov. (Russia) Environmental scientist, adviser, Academy of Sciences – author (with Nesterenko) of the biggest Chernobyl study (1000,000 deaths):
- Shinzo Kimura. (Japan) Professor, University of Hokkaido, specialist in radioprotection
- Eisuke Matsui. (Japan) Director, Institute of Environmental Medicine of Gifu, specialist in respiratory illness
- Galina Bandajevskaia. (Belarus) Pediatrician, cardiologist:
- Alexei Nesterenko. (Belarus) Director, Belrad Institute and:
- Vladimir Babenko. (Belarus) Assistant Director, Belrad Institute:
- Sophie Fauconnier. (France) General Practitioner
- Paul Jobin. (France) Professor of Sociology, University Paris VII. Expert in public health consequences of industrial pollution
- Kolin Kobayashi. (Japan) Journalist, correspondent, DaysJapan:
- Youri Bandajevsky. (Belarus) Anatomopathologist, President, Centre for Analysis and Coordination “Ecology and Health”: and:
- Aya Marumori. (Japan) President, Independent Laboratory (CRMS) of Fukshima:
- Michèle Rivasi. (France) Member, European Parliament, co-founder, CRIIRAD:
- Miwa Chiwaki. (Japan) Representative, Association of Mothers from Fukushima
- Chris Busby. (United Kingdom) Chemist/chemical physicist, Secretary CERRIE: and:
- Michel Fernex. (Switzerland) Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine, Basel, former consultant, WHO:
- Marc Molitor : Journalist, writer.
Action from last year:
German Social Democratic party SPD: Cancel gag agreement between IAEA and W.H.O.!:
W.H.O. Secretary General “Margaret Chan” admits for the first time: RADIATION IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS:
An excpert from the movie “Nuclear Controversis” by Wladimir Tchertkoff:
Unmask UNSCEAR: Conversation Dr. Michel Fernex (independentWHO Geneva) and Dr. Gentner (UNSCEAR):
Fernex – Don’t you think that during 15 years, the majority of Caesium is internal?
Gentner – No. It’s not internal. Are you talking about the external exposure that people receive?
Fernex – I am speaking of the internal one, which they receive through food in very large population.
Gentner – I refuse to think that whether a radiation dose is internal or external, what counts is the dose received by whatever mechanism and to prey on people’s consciousness to say that somehow, because it’s internal, it’s worse, doesn’t do service to the people.
Fernex – There are cardiac diseases found in humans, found in children which may lead to sudden death.
Gentner – OK, we know these complications, these things are arising. But to simply say that these things have occurred following the accident, and to infer from that a blind acceptance that they are radiation related, doesn’t allow the public health authorities of these countries to serve their people.
Fernex – There are doses related in children.
Gentner – I have not seen any information on that.
Fernex – There are universities in Belarus which have been working on this topic for nine years. And you never had any interest to what they did?