Monday, 14 May 2012

Threat from Fukushima Daiichi #4 Fuel Pool to Earth (TheAlexJonesShow)

TheAlexJonesChannel reported on the worldwide danger from the threat of Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 Reactor's Fuel Pool - finally in this sort of English media (as far as I know).

In the first few minutes, the host, Mike Adams sums up what's been going on, and we can see his awareness obviously came from words by Mr Sumio Mabuchi (which Adams calls "pretty decent guy), the only one minister of the cabinet who entered inside the nuclear reactor building to see and seek for solution to maintain the Unit 4 fuel pool which contains over 1500 fuel rods (over-crowded) hung from the tilted wall of the already-exploded building.  Adams also mentions Mr Kohei Murata, a former ambassador to Switzerland, and possibly Akio Matsumura.

Mr Mabuchi, from civil engineering sector, directed the construction to reinforce the fuel pool (though TEPCO uninterrupted not to let him take safer but more costly solution using concrete under the unstably hung fuel pool).  Former Prime Minister, Naoto Kan appointed Mabuchi for this job knowing his background.  Mabuchi was believed to become the next prime minister, but in the last minute, the least likely candidate, Yoshio Noda got the position.

The Noda cabinet has made everything worse.  Kan was basically anti-nuke, and declared the departure from reliance on nuclear power plants albeit in exchange with his resignation.  Noda, however, brought everything back to serve electric allies and his boss, the US.  Without rescuing the Fukushima evacuees yet, all he talks about is how and when to resume operation of other nuclear power plants.  

For most of us wishing a Zero Nuke society and planet, he is such an airhead that he doesn't even realize all he's doing is just destroy his own nation.  We have usually had incapable prime ministers, as we voters are not good enough, but I have never held this much fury against one politician.  We really must eliminate this guy from the government.

Here's copy from YouTube:

TheAlexJonesChannel 2012/05/11 
Mike Adams presents a Fukushima mega-meltdown special on the Friday, May 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Adams talks with Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer of energy consulting company Fairewinds Associates and a former nuclear power industry executive. Mr. Gundersen continues to warn about the cataclysmic potential of the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant and is now warning about serious problems at the San Onofre nuclear plant in San Diego.

The Fukushima Diary reports today that Koichi Oyama, a member of the city council of Minamisoma in the prefecture of Fukushima, has measured unusually high levels of cesium 134 and 137 in the soil of his city.

Soil samples were analyzed by the Minamisoma government and found to be 122 times more contaminated than the mandatory evacuation zone in Belarus north of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Cesium causes cancer of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. It is particularly dangerous when it is in the soil and ends up in food.

In March, it was reported that cesium was detected in plankton 600 kilometers east of the Fukushima facility, according to a Japan-U.S. joint research team.

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