Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Goverment Officials meet Power Industry to discuss How To Destroy Japan

Maybe they only think they are doing the right thing for what's called "Keizai" (i.e., Economy).  Most probably, none of them have ever studied about internal exposure to radiation enough other than what IAEA and ICRP preached around the world.

Mainichi Newspaper's scoop revealed who are controlling our lives - those who believe everything can be monetized.  When our lives are at risk, it's not doctors or biologists but the politicians and bureaucrats closely connected to the business world make a decision for the nation.

Do we still need to practice the 20th century type lifestyles?

[QUOTE from Mainichi]

'Secret meeting' on fuel cycle was like gathering of 'nuclear villagers'

A mysterious document was distributed to each participant. The Mainichi's reporting team later found out that the document was in fact the original draft report that was to later be presented to the subcommittee of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC).
A preposterous scene was recently played out behind closed doors in central Tokyo. A secret meeting on Japan's policy for its nuclear fuel cycle, dubbed a "study meeting," was held in the Kasumigaseki district on April 24. Government officials and businessmen from the power industry, who are supposed to draw a sharp line between the two sides, enjoyed chatting and laughing with one another. It was something like a gathering of "nuclear villagers."
Shortly after 5 p.m. on April 24 -- at conference room 743 on the seventh floor of the Central Government Building No. 4 -- a reporter witnessed men in business suits filing into the conference room one after another through doors that were kept open. They were all pro-nuclear people from JAEC, the Cabinet Office, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd., Tokyo Electric Power Co., etc. There was no one there who was opposed to or cautious about the use of nuclear power.
Holding a pile of documents under his arm, a man in a blue shirt entered the room and put the documents on a desk somewhat roughly. He divided the documents into two piles because if he put them in one stack, it could crumble. One of the piles was about 20 centimeters high and the other about 10 centimeters. It was later found out that the documents were the original draft report for the "Technical Subcommittee on Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, etc." The draft report was actually discussed at a subcommittee meeting 14 days later.
Two officials from the Cabinet Office distributed one set of the documents to each participant sitting at desks arranged in a square shape. Sitting near the doors, a top official of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), which operates the prototype fast-breeder reactor Monju, was poring over the documents. Soon afterwards, the participants started chatting with one another. When one of the members criticized Tetsunari Iida, a staunch opponent of nuclear power and head of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP), by name, the participants burst into laughter.
At 5:10 p.m., the doors to the conference room were closed quietly and the secret meeting kicked off. According to sources concerned, a top official of Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd., which operates the reprocessing plant in Rokkasho, Aomori Prefecture, asked other participants to accept the concurrent approach of "reprocessing and directly disposing of spent nuclear fuel," which could help the firm survive. According to the sources, he stressed that "if the Rokkasho facility were to be abandoned and spent nuclear fuel were to be disposed of directly, problems would occur here and there." If the reprocessing business at Rokkasho fell apart, it is said that about 2,919 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel will have to be hauled out of the storage facility in Rokkasho.
The subcommittee presented its report containing the "Overall Evaluation" full of expressions in favor of the concurrent approach to the "council of new national energy policy" on May 23. An industry ministry official condemned the report, saying, "Even if spent nuclear fuel is reprocessed, waste must eventually be disposed of. At a time when the government and bureaucrats need to come together and toil to create permanent disposal facilities, they are pushing for a policy that will only delay the inevitable."
When the Mainichi reported in its morning edition on May 8 that an agenda item for the "council of new national energy policy" headed by JAEC Chairman Shunsuke Kondo had been covered up because it stood in the way of reactivating idled nuclear reactors, Kondo said "there was no problem." But in light of what happened at the secret meeting, the same excuse will never be acceptable.
When a Cabinet Office official, acting as an official of the secretariat for the council, distributed the agenda item for the council entitled "(Nuclear power's) Coexistence with local communities" to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, the Federation of Electric Power Companies and others concerned, he was told that, "Should they include Shiga Prefecture (which is cautious about reactivation of idled nuclear reactors)? If so the council meeting will be bogged down." Then, the agenda item was withdrawn.
While insisting that it was inappropriate to hand it out to power suppliers, Kondo said, "That was not an agenda item but a memo. If it was an agenda item, it should have been arranged in a Power Point format ... The secretariat sent it out through e-mail by mistake."
But the original draft report distributed at the secret meeting came in a Power Point format. Furthermore, it was distributed not by e-mail but it was handed out directly to people from the power industry at the meeting. When the cover-up issue was pointed out earlier this month, Goshi Hosono, the state minister in charge of nuclear accidents, stood behind Kondo. We will see how Hosono will respond to this latest scandal.
May 24, 2012(Mainichi Japan)


Mainichi is among the notorious major newspaper companies that have kept working as the deceptive Government's loudspeakers, but compared to its competitors, somehow they seem to have sources to get such information as if independent journalists worked hard to obtain.  (I suspect they have connection to some insiders.)

Monday, 28 May 2012

Dr Shuntaro Hida, Last Hiroshima MD who saw Mushroom Cloud talks on Internal Exposure (and US Occupation years) 2012 01 27

Dr Shuntaro Hida spoke for the foundation ceremony of Internal Exposure Study Group at Free Journalists' Association on 27 January 2012.

You can see he was one of the few who thought of  the end of Japan as soon as hearing about the Fukushima Daiichi explosions.  He knew the nature of the fuel (mixture of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), and he has seen how our Government has behaved in the past 66 years.  He understands that those politicians are always under the US control even now.

(I have been struggling to remember how to put on subtitles, and gave up with YouTube, Vimeo, etc. - now it's completed except that the English subtitles occur if you press "Japanese" button at the bottom left. :( ...)

[translated script (needs editing)]
My name is Shuntaro Hida.

I am now the only doctor still alive in Japan

who has treated radioacitive patients

since the atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima.

Therefore, I am the only one who was

actually exposed to the atomic bomb,

and have seen patients both of external and internal exposure to radiation.

I have been seeing the patients in the past 66 years.

I have been the only doctor in the organization

called HIDANKYO (Japan Confederation of A-and H-bomb Sufferers Organizations),

and the doctors all over Japan have consulted me.

The number of patients I have met in person,

diagoniing with my stethoscope, listening to, is at least 6000.

Among them are some survivors still alive

desite the horrible external exposure to radiation.

But I have also seen a number of patients suffering from inexplicable very difficult symptoms

due to internal exposure,

They haven't been treated as a Hibakusha.

Because nothing special was observed form the outside,

they haven't been treated as independent human beings,

and left with discrimination in the society.

Recently, I'm often asked from people abroad

why Japan with experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

has built so many as 53 nuclear power plants along the coast
regardless of the frequent earthquakes.

People called "experts" also speak of the same.

They talk about the fact, but

Nobody talks why this situation occurred.

Viewing it from Hiroshima all these years, the only reason is obvious.

The US Army that occupied Japan issued the statement of military secrets,

and told the Hibakusha's never to tell or write the truth.

They also demanded that medical doctors were only allowed to diagonose the patients, for the nature of the job

but were prohibited from recording the diagnoses, writing a thesis, or copying it.

Also, the Japanese medical society was strictly prohibited from studying radiation.

Anyone violating these rules should be subject to infamous under the occupation forces.

Since the announcement of the statement, Hibakusha's kept silent, and doctors quit recording their diagnoses.

That's why, there is no proper record of true damages

of radiation the Hibakusha's have been experiencing.

So, there are no materials for the Government or doctors today to learn about those days.

I have visited some 30 countries to talk on internal exposure symptoms, to local doctors and academics.

I am asked "Why is it you, as an individual doctor, talk about it?"

"Isn't there any documents issued by the Government?"

I answer, "There's no such a thing."

The reason is, America occupied Japan for 7 years,

and the Japanese Government that succeeded the US occupation,

signed the Japan-US Security Treaty, a military agreement,

by which Japan is not allowed to record anything related to the US nuclear weapons.

So, the Government cannot tell the truth.

I have walked through abroad with such speaches.

When I first heard of the Fukushima Daiichi accident,

My first worry was

that so terrible things have happened to

both kids and parents, or anyone who were affected by TEPCO's radiation

The radioactivities are mixture

of Uranium and Plutonium used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Due to the nature of radioactivities,

People in Fukushima in future will naturally experience

the symptoms which those in Hiroshima and Naggasaki went through with.

Then when will it occur?  From experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

we saw many various internal-exposure symptoms and got completely lost for the causes

about a year from the bombing.

The symptoms were begininng to arise in six months.

Therefore, there will be many people from this March (2012)

who will suffer from very misterious symptoms.

Unfortunately, there is no doctor in Japanese medical field

who can kindly treat such patients.

Probably, they will leave the patients saying you have nothing wrong.

As the patients from HIroshima and Nagasaki were

left out even at University Hospitals, being told you have no illness.

But they were unable to work.

They were "killed" by the society with the name "Bura-Bura Byo".

I am worried that the same thing may happen again.

Japan - from the top to the bottom - is totally ignorant.

They know nothing about the true radiation damages

from the atomic bombs that caused the tremendous disasters.

Maybe people know the fact that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.

But under the mushroom clouds,

or those who breathed or consumed radioactivities inside the bodies

How hard lives they have had to live in the past 66 years

is not known at all.

I believe this is totally America's responsibility.

Chased by the US military policemen

and Japanese policemen

I was helping around Hhibakusha's in bed in Hiroshima

To make it clear, I do not hate American citizens.

But I cannot forgive the guys who first made the atomic bombs

and who first planned the marder by the atomic bombs

For these reasons,

Japan will not end up just with Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

More accidents will definitely occur.

That's why, with a couple more accidents,

Japan will be demolished.

It is such a grave situation

which the Government would never think.

Coming out to the media,

So-called "experts" say there's no problem.

I really want to despise them.

Please, you in the media, note that

damages from radiation are

so terrible things that could endanger human beings

Please keep it in mind and

treat any small matter seriously.

Thank you for listening.


Today, I also reviewed the latest video by Mr and Mrs Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates.  Mr Gundersen is more serious than in any past video about the worst scenario of Fukushima Daiichi, or rather about the world's destiny if not just Japan.  He even talks about the smartgrid and attempts to persuade the Japanese "economy" to take this opportunity to show the technological strength for new energy as soon as possible.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Nature - the Magazine, copies Words of Pro-Nuke Interests

Nature, the reputed science magazine, has been finally "bought" by the pro-nuke interest groups and begun to speak as if the disasters from radiation which we have been learning through even real friends do not exist in Japan.  Officially (meaning according to the mainstream media), in Japan, nobody has died in Fukushima for radiation over the past 14 months after the over-Chernobyl level accident occurred, and the Government acted even more irresponsibly than the then-USSR.

They even prepared the video to show Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant as if everything is going well toward settlement.  The tone of the narration sounds as rhythmical as NHK newscasters.  The major media worldwide (even anti-American regions) are obviously under control of the huge amount of money connected to the nuclear industry.

We can check real Fukushima-Daiichi workers' tweets everyday, and our concern regarding the great probability of the hopeless explosion of Unit 4 Fuel Pool (containing 1535 fuel rods; plus over 10 thousand in the premises) has never been wiped out.  Those workers are not virtual, but real as our trusted independent web journalist, Yasumi Iwakami interviewed them live.

According to Arnie Gundersen, the greatest danger has always been Unit 4 for this reason, and it is impossible that the US Government is ignorant about it.  The reason operation of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant was suspended by the former prime minister Naoto Kan so easily is sait to be the pressure from the US as it threatens logistics of their army with its base in Yokosuka, too close to Hamaoka.

Anyway, here's the copy of unbelievable Nature's article.  I wonder how long those money-obsessed insane people control the world.  They are even endangering their own planet, let alone their own or family's lives.


Fukushima’s doses tallied

Studies indicate minimal health risks from radiation in the aftermath of Japan’s nuclear disaster.

Around 170 of Fukushima’s workers have a slightly elevated risk of cancer due to their radiation exposure.

Few people will develop cancer as a consequence of being exposed to the radioactive material that spewed from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant last year — and those who do will never know for sure what caused their disease. These conclusions are based on two comprehensive, independent assessments of the radiation doses received by Japanese citizens, as well as by the thousands of workers who battled to bring the shattered nuclear reactors under control.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Do you still believe IAEA, UNSCEAR, and WHO??

Here's a video distributed quite a few times in the past before and after 311, but has recently been widely distributed in a couple of days, despite this: it is deleted from the video sites many times over.

Please spare 50 minutes this weekend - even little by little, and watch this fully.  Hopefully, remember names of the conference attendants.  (I'll add the self-obsessed ones later... )

It begins with the children suffering from repetitive adults' diseases early this millennium whose parents had been babies or young kids in April 1986 when the Chernobyl Reactor #4 exploded.  Some were not even living in the notably contaminated areas, but people in the region ate local fooods.

You can see how Dr Yuri Bandazhevsky got "arrested" leaving extremely important theses and books re internal exposure to radiation.  It is also viewed how Dr Chris Busby's report re low-dose radiation exposure slipped out of the WHO official documents despite the suggestion by Mr Hiroshi Nakajima, the then-former Director General.  Nakajima says Busby's statement is in line with the WHO statements.  (The scientists financially supported by ICRP or IAEA crowded out any harmful evidence for development of more-nuke society.)

This video is an extremely important evidence as to how the pro-nuclear organisations like IAEA or UNSCEAR "erased" the millions of victims (estimated roughly 600 million when the film was made, but still increasing) of the accident from this world by buying cheap scientists with money, and crush down true evidence.  The countless bits and pieces of our knowledge about groups like ECRR or NY Science Academy, etc. (i.e., more human life-oriented organizations than nuke interests) we have gained over the year now see the origin.  Why these people had to stand up against the incumbent radiation theories (-to-be).

Even without knowing the context, you can tell who's on which side, and what each one is trying to do.  Who is trying to support the industry (money) and who is desperate to protect lives.

I'm one those who felt urge of uploading the video too as soon as possible (while being busy fighting with radioactive debris burning crazy actions by Kitakyushu City, from where most winds flow toward the rest of the country) .

To my agony, so many good films are often find only in Germany or French, but not English.  This time, thank God, someone in China uploaded the English version with Chinese subtitles (first before 3.11, then last year).

But if this video is ever erased, please open this zip file

Can you hear positively the names like IAEA or UNSCEAR next time you hear them in TV news, etc.?  Think how many lives they have sacrificed by now, and are going to add even more.  Well, about WHO (World Health Organisation), it is just when it comes to nuclear-related as they lose authority dominated by IAEA since the 1959 treaty.

We should not remain ignorance any more.  Without understanding this core part, you cannot understand Thrive Movement or Occupy actions.

For mobile phone users (in Japan), I prepared screen shot versions of the documentary.
Though I haven't completed typing narrations (<-- very important), all the English and Japanese subtitles have been captured.  This will help you remember names of persons with their words.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Down with TEPCO (filksong with English subtitles)

Coming across this podcast again in Twitter, I can't help my addiction to this song "Down with TEPCO" (Let's work for TEPCO) - the filksong of "Let's work for Self-Defence Force" which is legendarily told that SDF asked the composer for permission to use it for their PR without understanding the sarcasm.

Down with TEPCO

The word most repeated "Hairo" originally mean "(Let's) join", but it also means reactor decommissioning.  We in Japan call Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) "Toden" more often.

This video was uploaded by "greendiamondism" in September 2011 with the comment copied below.  I believe the situation surrounding nuclear power plants is the same anywhere in the world.  Our country, if not the planet, is going nowhere but the hell.

Despite the growing voices and actions for no nuke world, the vested nuke interests keep control over mainstream media, and began to even ignore the diet decisions, creating different bylaws behind the closed door.  If we can't stop them TEPCO and other electric companies will be protected, all the damages will be compensated with tax and increased bills, with no one punished for radioactively contaminated foods, cards, debris, ashes intentionally spread all over the country.

[QUOTE from YouTube:]  
The title of the song in Japanese is a play on words. It basically means "Let's go work for TEPCO", the company whose nuclear reactors blew up after the earthquake in Japan on March 11th 2011. It can also mean "Overthrow TEPCO and decommission the reactor". Over 6 months has passed since the disaster, but the company is still trying to hide it's secrets. The government is too weak to nationalize TEPCO or let it fall into bankruptcy. 
TEPCO is supported by the major banks, insurance companies and industrial companies of Japan. Particularly Toshiba which owns Westinghouse, HItachi which owns General Electric, and Mitsubishi. Hitachi and Mitsubishi recently merged their nuclear businesses together. These are the only companies with the capacity to manufacture nuclear reactors. 
The Japanese public has turned against nuclear power, so these companies are now pushing hard to export nuclear power to developing countries. Even though in "safety-first" "high-tech" Japan, their product has blown up, even now spewing toxic radioactive waste into the air, land and sea, they still can't give up this dangerous technology, and are still desperate to make a profit from Plutonium!
The previous Prime Minister was pushed out after merely suggesting Japan should reduce it's reliance on Nuclear Power. We need you - yes YOU to do something! Please don't buy a single TV, a single dishwasher, a single car, a single solar panel, a single battery... in short, please don't buy anything produced by these companies until they give up their ambition for world destruction!
Thousands of people have had to flee their homes, farmers can't sell their produce and are facing bankruptcy (some have already comitted suicide), all because these companies wanted to squeeze the last yen out of 40-year-old Nuclear Reactors!
The Fukushima disaster may have slipped out of the world's headlines, but it's still a living hell for those cleaning up the mess. The dirtiest, most dangerous work is done by homeless people, literally recruited off the street by one of hundreds of subcontracting companies, many run by the Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia.
Japan is renowned for it's technology, but even the Japanese couldn't keep these reactors under control. HItachi, Toshiba and Mitsubishi could make money from products that actually benifit the human race, but they still refuse to see that Nuclear Energy is dead-end, 20th century technology. Please, please, please support this campaign! If their stock drops even one yen, the children of Fukushima will love you for it!

The original version without subtitles is here

After I distributed by email the YouTube video to friends, I got very interesting feedback from one of my most precious friends.  I'm not sure if he is just teasing me (he's got special sense of being sarcastic), but most probably his knowledge about nuclear power and nuclear history is just as little as my pre-311 level.

It is very unpatriotic of you to disseminate such emails. Any chance of you getting arrested for such behaviour? 
The Japanese government is trying to make it clear that nuclear energy is safe, and good for your health (like Popeye recharging himself with a dose of spinach).  You are undermining those efforts.  Keeping Tepco private is indeed a very good way to keep secrets a secret. In England they use the term Private-Private Partnership to describe such symbiotic structures.  If Tepco becomes nationalised, the government may be compelled to release Tepco information (an example of such information may be that nuclear reactors really aren't as safe as the government claims them to be).  What good would that do to anyone?  How would the government then recruit more people to build new reactors or (what is much more dangerous) decommission old ones?  Before distributing such irresponsible vidoes, you should answer those questions.   
Tell me, those black and white images in the video, are they from the Hiroshima/Nagasaki disasters?  How many subtle or not-so-subtle references are being made to those nuclear attacks ("Let's finish the job Uncle Sam started in 1945").

If anyone would say the same thing, I want to have my other recent posts read, and watch The 4th Revolution - Energy Autonomy  in Facebook with English subtitles (free).

Monday, 14 May 2012

Threat from Fukushima Daiichi #4 Fuel Pool to Earth (TheAlexJonesShow)

TheAlexJonesChannel reported on the worldwide danger from the threat of Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 Reactor's Fuel Pool - finally in this sort of English media (as far as I know).

In the first few minutes, the host, Mike Adams sums up what's been going on, and we can see his awareness obviously came from words by Mr Sumio Mabuchi (which Adams calls "pretty decent guy), the only one minister of the cabinet who entered inside the nuclear reactor building to see and seek for solution to maintain the Unit 4 fuel pool which contains over 1500 fuel rods (over-crowded) hung from the tilted wall of the already-exploded building.  Adams also mentions Mr Kohei Murata, a former ambassador to Switzerland, and possibly Akio Matsumura.

Mr Mabuchi, from civil engineering sector, directed the construction to reinforce the fuel pool (though TEPCO uninterrupted not to let him take safer but more costly solution using concrete under the unstably hung fuel pool).  Former Prime Minister, Naoto Kan appointed Mabuchi for this job knowing his background.  Mabuchi was believed to become the next prime minister, but in the last minute, the least likely candidate, Yoshio Noda got the position.

The Noda cabinet has made everything worse.  Kan was basically anti-nuke, and declared the departure from reliance on nuclear power plants albeit in exchange with his resignation.  Noda, however, brought everything back to serve electric allies and his boss, the US.  Without rescuing the Fukushima evacuees yet, all he talks about is how and when to resume operation of other nuclear power plants.  

For most of us wishing a Zero Nuke society and planet, he is such an airhead that he doesn't even realize all he's doing is just destroy his own nation.  We have usually had incapable prime ministers, as we voters are not good enough, but I have never held this much fury against one politician.  We really must eliminate this guy from the government.

Here's copy from YouTube:

TheAlexJonesChannel 2012/05/11 
Mike Adams presents a Fukushima mega-meltdown special on the Friday, May 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Adams talks with Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer of energy consulting company Fairewinds Associates and a former nuclear power industry executive. Mr. Gundersen continues to warn about the cataclysmic potential of the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant and is now warning about serious problems at the San Onofre nuclear plant in San Diego. 

The Fukushima Diary reports today that Koichi Oyama, a member of the city council of Minamisoma in the prefecture of Fukushima, has measured unusually high levels of cesium 134 and 137 in the soil of his city.

Soil samples were analyzed by the Minamisoma government and found to be 122 times more contaminated than the mandatory evacuation zone in Belarus north of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Cesium causes cancer of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. It is particularly dangerous when it is in the soil and ends up in food.

In March, it was reported that cesium was detected in plankton 600 kilometers east of the Fukushima facility, according to a Japan-U.S. joint research team.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Dr Ken Nakayama: How Foods and Lands are Radioactively Contaminated All Over Japan - and could be more

Dr Ken Nakayama talks about the contaminated foods and debris that have been still spread around all over Japan thanks to our super stupid Government.

Here's copy from YouTube description.

Dr Ken NAKAYAMA, Orthopedic Surgeon, on Press Conference May 4th 2012
by Cinema Forum Fukushima 

Japanese Nuclear Scientist and Japanese and US medical doctors to discuss current radiological health conditions and concerns in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor catastrophe.

WHAT: A press conference about the on-going, rarely publicized and still grave situation around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors, featuring a nuclear scientist from Japan, and first hand medical reports of clinical and on site observations in Japan related to the Fukushima radiological contamination, with discussion of the immediate needs to protect Japanese citizens now living in contaminated areas, for better monitoring of radioactive content of food, and for the cessation of incineration and burying of radioactive tsunami rubble throughout Japan.
WHERE: Rissho Kosei-kai 320 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016 (between First Ave. & Second Ave.)
WHEN: Friday, May 4, 2012, 10AM-11AM

WHO: Dr. Ken Nakayama, Orthopedic Surgeon from Japan. Following the 3/11 earthquake, he entered the exclusion zone in Fukushima for three days as a member of the government's Disaster Medical Assistance Team to rescue patients abandoned at a hospital. In December 2011, he spoke in a press conference in Osaka along with Dr. Fuse in opposition to the government policy for incinerating tsunami rubbles across the country.

DETAILS: Hosted from Japan by Voices for Lively Spring, Human Rights Now, and Physicians for Social Responsibility, the best-known nuclear scientist and concerned medical doctors from Japan and USA will share their experiences and speak about the on-going nuclear crisis in Fukushima. They will discuss the under-reported health consequences after the nuclear disaster, health risks resulting from inadequate food safety standards, and the environmental dispersion of radioactive materials by government burning of radioactive disaster debris. Voices for Lively Spring, a Japanese citizens' group, Physicians for Social Responsibility, a US and international medical NGO, and Human Rights Now, a Japanese international human rights NGO, feel that the international community is not adequately informed about the evolving "current status" and the remaining serious problems in Japan after the nuclear disaster. The nuclear scientist and medical doctors from Japan and US will be available for media interviews.

BACKGROUND: A year after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima there has not been a significant improvement in protecting the local communities in Japan from exposure to radioactivity. Radioactive materials are still being released into the environment -- air, soil and ocean -- from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Many citizens still live in areas where the radiation level is dangerously high. The Japanese government continues to keep its citizens in harms' way by applying a 20mSv per year standard to establish evacuation zones. Citizens in the rest of Japan also remain in danger of being exposed to unsafe levels of radiation due to widespread radiological contamination from the accident, food safety standards that are not strict enough to protect children, and the Japanese government continuing to burn and bury the radioactive disaster debris in municipalities across the nation.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Dr Fuse, Mr Koide speak at May-4 NY Press Conference on Fukushima Daiichi Disaster

We have awaited to get this video done for review since PSR(Physicians for Social Responsibility) released the news of the program in Press Conference on Fukushima Daiichi Disaster.

I saw a photo of Mr Hiroaki Koide, Dr Junro Fuse together with Ryuichi Sakamoto in Facebook, taken and shared a little before the conference.  The chances of coming across shots of anti-nuke professionals are growing.

Here's copy from the vimeo site.

by Cinema Forum Fukushima http://vimeo.com/41634666 
in Japanese with English interpretation
* Japanese Nuclear Scientist and Japanese and US medical doctors to discuss current radiological health conditions and concerns in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor catastrophe.
WHAT: A press conference about the on-going, rarely publicized and still grave situation around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors, featuring a nuclear scientist from Japan, and first hand medical reports of clinical and on site observations in Japan related to the Fukushima radiological contamination, with discussion of the immediate needs to protect Japanese citizens now living in contaminated areas, for better monitoring of radioactive content of food, and for the cessation of incineration and burying of radioactive tsunami rubble throughout Japan.
WHERE: Rissho Kosei-kai 320 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016 (between First Ave. & Second Ave.)
WHEN: Friday, May 4, 2012, 10AM-11AM

WHO: Dr. Junro Fuse, Internist and head of Kosugi Medical Clinic near Tokyo, Japan. In June 2011, he started to use social media as the main tool to educate the general public on risks associated with radiation exposure. He will discuss unusual medical symptoms among their patients after the nuclear accidents, issues within the Japanese medical communities to protect citizens from the disaster, health risks in association to the burning of radioactive tsunami debris and his concerns with the current food safety standards in Japan.

WHO: Mr. Hiroaki Koide, Nuclear Reactor Specialist and Assistant Professor at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute. After realizing in 1970 that nuclear power was extremely dangerous, Mr. Koide dedicated over 40 years of his career to educate the nuclear industry and the general public to stop nuclear reactors in Japan. After the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, he gained “rock star” status due to his tireless efforts in providing detailed analysis and honest suggestions to the Japanese community about the extent of the disaster. He will speak about the extremely dangerous conditions at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, including the concerns regarding the damaged Unit 4 irradiated fuel pool.

DETAILS: Hosted from Japan by Voices for Lively Spring, Human Rights Now, and Physicians for Social Responsibility, the best-known nuclear scientist and concerned medical doctors from Japan and USA will share their experiences and speak about the on-going nuclear crisis in Fukushima. They will discuss the under-reported health consequences after the nuclear disaster, health risks resulting from inadequate food safety standards, and the environmental dispersion of radioactive materials by government burning of radioactive disaster debris. Voices for Lively Spring, a Japanese citizens' group, Physicians for Social Responsibility, a US and international medical NGO, and Human Rights Now, a Japanese international human rights NGO, feel that the international community is not adequately informed about the evolving "current status" and the remaining serious problems in Japan after the nuclear disaster. The nuclear scientist and medical doctors from Japan and US will be available for media interviews.

BACKGROUND: A year after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima there has not been a significant improvement in protecting the local communities in Japan from exposure to radioactivity. Radioactive materials are still being released into the environment -- air, soil and ocean -- from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Many citizens still live in areas where the radiation level is dangerously high. The Japanese government continues to keep its citizens in harms' way by applying a 20mSv per year standard to establish evacuation zones. Citizens in the rest of Japan also remain in danger of being exposed to unsafe levels of radiation due to widespread radiological contamination from the accident, food safety standards that are not strict enough to protect children, and the Japanese government continuing to burn and bury the radioactive disaster debris in municipalities across the nation.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Super Moon of May 5, 2012 and March 19, 2011

I think I actually "read" the narration somewhere and (a few angry) comments on it a few days after the 3.11.

Embedded from SPACE.COM.
Super Moon Returns on May 2012 (May 5th 11:04pm EDT, 6th 12:04pm JST)

The full Moon will be up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than others during the year. The reason for this phenomenon is that the Moon becomes full on its closest approach to Earth on May 5, 2012, also known as the perigee full Moon.

[QUOTE - a few lines from the narration]
"Supposedly, the hospital misshions will increase, the crime rate takes up a little, and people behave strangely.

The idea that the full moon causes mental disorders wide-spread in the Middle Ages.  Even the word Lunacy comes from the word in Latin meaning Moon.  

The majority of modern studies, however, are showing no relations between the incidents of the moon and the crime rates or human behaviour.  The truth is, the moon is less influential than people seem to believe.  

It's true that Perigee Moon causes relatively high tides, but ... this is nothing to worry about.

In most places, the moon close to perigee causes high tides only a few centimeters.   super moon occurs almost once a year.  

On Mach 19, 2011, it was almost 400 metres closer than this one, but as usual no troubles reported."

No troubles reported???

Maybe there was nothing big enough right on 19th as we were only continuously shaking on the ground that kept trembling since the 3.11 earthquake and Tsunami.  As the moon was so close as the first time in 18 years, the influence to the gravity could have begun several days earlier.

I remember that toward late April, the floor of my flat kept moving.  It means March 19th is, in  a way, in the middle of the curve.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster - Surviving Disaster (Nuclear Power Generation as International Crime!)

Coming across this film was astonishing since this is not the past, but what's been going on right in front of us in Japan.  (Well, for friends in Fukushima, the early part is "deja vu" - they were left uninformed of the serious fallout, walked under the sun, or in the radioactive rain/snow.)

The pattern of politicians' actions is universal. If we give up, and the world still support IAEA, the same thing will happen, which we are very sure of.

 uploaded on 2008/12/22 
The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster from the BBC documentary series, Surviving Disaster. This episode follows the accident as told by Valeri Legasov (played by Adrian Edmondson, in one of his more serious roles), the Russian scientist who was a key member of the Soviet government commission formed to investigate the causes of the catastrophe and to plan the mitigation of its consequences. This is quite a chilling tale of events. Some of the documentary was filmed on location in the abandoned town of Pripyat and inside one of the remaining 3 (now closed) nuclear reactors located at Chernobyl.