I found this collection of English news videos, wondering how old they are... most (esp. after 3min) are very new, though many of us on SNS knew the truth of madness and the ridicule of the Government, TEPCO, MITI, etc. already.
Fukushima #4 SFP Cover, #2 Robot, Ohi, Population drop, Economic Demise update 4/17/12
Here's copy of "description"
Published on Apr 17, 2012 by MsMilkytheclown
-Putting a cover on Spent Fuel Pool #4 in order to eventually retrieve the spent fuel rods (technology invention pending)
-Sending in another robot (previous ones failed) into reactor #2 suppression chamber.
-still pushing the agenda of restarting the Ohi nuclear power plant, but still need residents support...
-*surprise* population drop largest since the 50s or so and implications
-impending economic demise for Japan and Japanese government
-Oregon Senator says HELP JAPAN and Fukushima Critical especially spent fuel pool #4, meanwhile dodging questions of food safety and health effects. Typical political dodgeball about 8 minutes into video.
Latest Headlines: http://enenews.com/
Japan Times: The Titanic and The Nuclear Fiasco — "Catastrophic effects of Fukushima fiasco are more far-reaching and long lasting" — "Name has already become synonymous with disaster"
special thank you to flippycat domino fall and MrGeorgeJettison for the Murphy's law comment.
Senator on National TV: I'm so concerned about Unit 4 fuel pool — Tepco's plan must be sped up — "It's very clear there are substantial health questions that have to be addressed now" (VIDEO)
Japan Times: 28 of every 100 Fukushima pregnancies resulted in miscarriage or abortion — "Of course we didn't believe the rumor, but we just wanted to confirm that it was groundless" says survey leader
WSJ: Very dangerous situation at Fukushima Daiichi says Senator — Taking years to remove fuel "carries extraordinary and continuing risk" — No comment from Tepco, Japan gov't — Quake could send buildings tumbling down, resulting in "an even greater release of radiation"
Colbert Report NOT Selling Out to Nuclear Industry? Mentions "no nukes" — Has Bonnie Raitt on as guest (VIDEOS)
Confirmed: 35-ton machine "sitting on top of the spent fuel rack in the pool" of Reactor No. 3 — Extent of damage not yet known (VIDEOS)
UPDATE: No moving spent fuel at No. 4 until 2014 at earliest — Up to 10 years for removal of fuel from all pools — Reactor building to be demolished (VIDEO)
Tepco releases footage of No. 3 Spent Fuel Pool — Shows debris, fuel racks, crane... More (VIDEOS)
Reuters Alert: "Fukushima damage leaves spent fuel at risk" -US Lawmaker — "Far worse than he expected" — Bags of rock only protection from tsunami
US Senator Issues Press Release on Fukushima Spent Fuel Pools — Urges Japan to accept international help — Warns situation worse than reported after touring plant
Tepco: "Foundation improvement work" begins tomorrow at Reactor No. 4 (PHOTOS)
Report: Tepco will start covering No. 4 Spent Fuel Pool tomorrow
Asahi: Gov't admits for 1st time "all nuclear reactors will be shut down in Japan" — 45 years since no plants were operating in country
Alaska's #2 Newspaper: Spring brings fallout — Cesium-137 believed to cause malevolent genetic mutations, says reprinted editorial
Book: Reactor No. 4 deformed in front of our eyes, says Fukushima worker — Walls morphed like special effects from movie — No large explosion, yet building destroyed
Revealed: "Refrain from saying things that may weaken Tepco" -Prime Minister Noda in March 2011
Kyodo: Move to restart reactors blasted as misinformed haste — Gov't under fire from public, experts
All nuclear power in Japan may come to a halt — Gov't failing in effort to restart Oi reactors before final plant shut down — Chances "remote" says Edano
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