The origin of what's been going on in the world now is here in Miguel Marques's film.
Thanks to "Bougainvillea Teatime" blogger's voluntary work, we can finally see the film with the Japanese subtitles too :). Three year behind the release though.
Thanks to "Bougainvillea Teatime" blogger's voluntary work, we can finally see the film with the Japanese subtitles too :). Three year behind the release though.
Here's the copy from the original website Pots, Pans and Other Solutions.
Iceland, People Building a RevolutionJuly 14, 2012 by potspansdocumentary
In Iceland, the first European country to wake up to an economic crash, people became aware that they could and should intervene in society and started demanding more democratic participation.
The payment of bank debts by citizens went to referendum. The government was forced to create a Council to write a new constitution: a citizens’ group - without politicians, lawyers or university professors - who opened the discussion process to everybody and managed to approve by consensus a draft proposal.
In Iceland, many citizens are now organized in associations and have substantial proposals for a society where everyone can participate.
Let’s meet the Icelanders that the media refuse to talk about.
This documentary was idealized, conceived and produced by Miguel Marques, Yolanda Rienderhoff, Pedro Bruno Carreira and LIGHTS ON(E). We had no sponsors whatsoever.
If you liked it and you have the means, feel free “to pay your ticket”. You can make a bank transfer of 1 to 5 euros to:
Portuguese or International Bank Account Number: PT50 0035 0549 0005 4403 9005 4
We also have the film available on DVD. Just write an email to with your name, postal address and a proof of the bank transfer - 10€ + postal fees: 2€ (Portugal), 3€ (Europe), 4€ (EUA and rest of the world) to cover expenses.
Pots Pans and Other Solutions with English, Japanese, German or Spanish subtitles is available here
Your donation will make it possible for us to go on working.
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Feel free to make public exhibitions of the documentary. You can ask for the film poster by email.
This documentary was idealized, conceived and produced by Miguel Marques, Yolanda Rienderhoff, Pedro Bruno Carreira and LIGHTS ON(E). We had no sponsors whatsoever.

We Acept Faircoin
Please visit to know the project and to get faircoins.
There's so much we can learn to change our part of the world to get back the Earth in our hands. Iceland's politics, business world, media, education, etc. were so rotten just as ours, but they overcame the situation.
In the year of 2012, I was a little busy as we were told that my perfectly-healthy looking father's days were numbered. The sudden cruel sentence was given from a brain doctor in June 20.