Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Fukushima - Truth behind the Worst Nuclear Acceident

This video is produced by ARTE, the French and German cooperative national broadcast station, but collective information that should be closest to the true pieces of the whole picture which many of us in Twitter and Facebook try to gather and share over the past year.

仏独共同の国営放送局ARTE 「フクシマ-最悪事故の陰に潜む真実」

For those who have only seen English mainstream media about Fukushima, the content should include lots of surprises.  It would be even more surprising that the majority living in Japan do not know 99% of what's told here.

Unfortunately, this is available only in German and Japanese subtitles (transcripts) now,  but it should still be worth uploading for further spreading the truth which the world should be aware of.

I hope to add English translation later.  (This inconvenience is part of what the global nuclear industry is successfully achieving i.e., making things local.)

Some of the speakers (interviewees) do speak English, and I hope it'll help your understanding.